Becoming a mom wasn’t quite the same for me. I didn’t find out I was pregnant. I never went for scans, guessed the gender, or chose names. I also missed experiencing the painful joy of giving birth (phew). I didn’t get to hold my baby for the first time, or bond with her late at night when she couldn’t sleep. I didn’t see her first smile, hear her first word or run around the house when she took her first step.
But, that doesn’t make me less of a mom. I’m here now (and have been since she turned 6) and I love her more than I thought I could. I help her choose what to wear, I cook things I think she’ll like, I help her with her homework. And I listen to endless stories about the complex politics of her friendships. Sometimes, I put her to bed (when dad hasn’t). I hear all about the girl that wouldn’t let her sit in her group at lunchtime. I have bubble baths with her, moan at her for not washing her hands, cut her meat for her, and brush her hair in the mornings. If that’s not being a mom, what is?
Katie’s a very special little girl. She lost her biological mom unexpectedly when she was 5, but put on a brave face and kept smiling. Her dad and I got married in March 2015.
This blog is really about sharing my adventure, getting feedback from others (goodness knows, I need all the help I can get), and documenting the funny things she says and does. It’s about celebrating the fun of being a mom, sharing the angst, and laying bare the things I think are true and real.
Being a mom wasn’t part of my plan, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.