It’s not often that it’s actually within our reach to help save a life. This is our chance.

Kayla Glaser is nearly 10 years old. She was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was only a few weeks old and she’s fought to live since the day she was born. Currently, fewer than 5% of patients with CF live to 40.
She’s no victim, though. She loves to laugh and tease others. She loves her baby brother, her Huggy Wuggy doll, and Snapchat filters. Seeing her smile and listening to her chat away, you’d never guess that every breath has become hard work.
Sadly, her CF is so advanced that she doesn’t even qualify for the double lung transplant that we thought was the solution because it would only prolong her life a little, and not save it.
Her brochial tube and trachea have collapsed. For her, breathing is as effective and frustrating as watering your garden with a hose that is full of kinks.
So, what can we do?
She needs medication. Unfortunately, the Trikafta that held such promise of saving lives costs R5 million! The “more affordable” generic costs around R58 000 per month and is her only hope at this point.
Her mom, Kerry, is an unbelievable support to her little girl, but days and weeks spent at Kayla’s hospital bed means that her income is suffering enormously. Medical aid helps, but is currently forking out R10 000/month.
So…as usual…it comes down to money. With our financial contributions, we might be able to raise the money to afford the medication to give Kayla a better life for longer.
Please help us to help Kayla. If you can donate, here are the banking details:
K Glaser
Cheque/current account
Account number: 6262 587 6084
Branch code: 200909
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
And here’s her funding page: Caring for Kayla | GoGetFunding
Please share this with your friends, family, corporate contacts, and social media followers. This really, really matters.
If you have any fund-raising ideas or questions, please contact me at
To follow her journey, her Facebook page is: Caring for Kayla – Glaser | Facebook
In the meantime, enjoy this little sunshine’s smiles:
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