I’m a huge Banting fan (picture the Trump, “YUGE”). I agree with it, I believe in it, I’m yet to hear a valid argument against it. However, anything that requires me to spend more time baking and boiling and wasting the best years of my life behind a stove just doesn’t fly with me.

So, my family and I have been doing the LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet for two years now with NOT ONE ounce of almond flour, and the only psyllium husk I’ve used is while making seed crackers on a camping trip, when it was too windy to venture outside and too early for a snooze. Psyllium husk is about as exciting as that time that I had to listen to my gran complain about her weepy toe. Her words.
So, I’ve put together a 7-day menu for those who want to try LCHF without having to make very much (if any) extra effort. Obviously, this is just a suggestion. Use it, don’t use it, add to it, take away from it, email it to a friend that needs inspiration for a healthier diet.
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | |
Monday | Scrambled egg with cheese and avo | Salad / stirfry | Steak, egg, and stirfy or sweet potato chips |
Tuesday | Avo with cream cheese and anchovies or bacon | Double-cream Greek yoghurt with berries | Lamb chops with crumbled blue cheese and salad |
Wednesday | Bacon and eggs with mushrooms and fried tomatoes | Left over meat and salad | Meatballs in a rich tomato sauce with roast pumpkin |
Thursday | Scrambled egg with cheese and avo | Sweet potato soup with coconut cream and coriander | Roast chicken and veggies |
Friday | Double-cream Greek yoghurt with strawberries and nuts | Roast veggie leftovers, sprinkled with feta and sunflower seeds | Baked fish with char-grilled asparagus and courgettes |
Saturday | Eggs fried in butter, served with a hollandaise sauce and blanched asparagus | Tuna salad or chicken stirfry | Lasagne made with thin slices of aubergine instead of pasta |
Sunday | Bacon and eggs with mushrooms and fried tomatoes | Yoghurt or a light salad | Traditional roast with veg |
The easiest thing to do on a Banting diet is to omit the carbs and sugars without having to make anything special. These include the obvious critters (sugar, sodas, standard desserts, and so on). But, there are also just a few foody items that should be left off your menu (for a comprehensive Banting list, click here):
• Butternut (pumpkin is fine, though)
• Potatoes (except small portions of sweet potato – up to half a cup a day)
• Only one very small portion of carbs (if you don’t have the sweet potato) – 1 slice of bread OR half a cup of brown rice
• No fruit (other than the berries)
• Beer and sugary alcoholic drinks
• Avoid all nuts, except macadamias and almonds
Some extra tips to make LCHF easier:
• Add cream or coconut oil to your coffee to boost the fat content and the flavour. Obviously, this is within reason – keep your coffee to about two or three cups per day.
• Top your eggs and vegetables with olive oil or avocado oil to make them more filling.
• Get some exercise – your heart rate should go up for at least 20 minutes every day.
• Opt for red wine or whiskey over other alcoholic beverages.
• NO snacking between meals.
• If you have a sweet tooth, check out the various Banting dessert options online or try these amazing chocolates.
This isn’t a comprehensive LCHF menu – there are so many options and so much variety. It just gives you an idea of how easy and delicious it is to maintain this lifestyle without much of a sacrifice.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a strict Banting / LCHF diet. If you want to be strict about it, refer to the official website to learn about quantities and specifics.
For more meal ideas, feel free to mail me at amelia@voxate.co.za or contact me via Facebook.
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