I was a late-comer to Instagram. I was busy enough with Facebook; who needed another timeline in their lives? Turns out, I did. And then, even when I had a personal account, it took me a while to come around for a second (now third) IG account. Of course, like all good things in life (gym, stinky cheeses, and dry wines), it grew on me. Now, I love it. I love scrolling through my favourite clips of The Office, or seeing pics of friends’ toddlers covered in permanent marker, or wondering how everyone gets their make-up on fleek when I’m over here like…

But, I’m still relatively new to the IG game (some of you have been going for years, wow). So, I take all the advice I can get. Here are some tips I’ve learned along the way (I’m in an infographic phase, thanks to Canva.com):
These are the basics, of course. There’s a lot that goes into a rocking Instagram account. Being original, using the right hashtags (there’s lots more info on these little gems here), and allowing your audience to grow organically (don’t fall for those “Get followers quick” schemes) all make this adventure that much more successful.
I’d love to follow your accounts, so please drop a link in the comments below, and subscribe to my blog for more handy posts like this one.
I had an Instagram account for a few years but I wasn’t active until I began blogging, I am now enjoying it.
I’ve just followed you as @nicolasubben
Thanks! It definitely took me a while to get into!
Hey Amelia. Your blog kept me from working for a good 30mins. LOL. Signing up!
Lol. You’re…welcome, I guess? Glad you enjoyed it!