Ah man, the little poets of the Garden Route just touched my heart! They love this place and it just shines through. Thanks to everyone that entered and THANK YOU to SA-Venues for the awesome prize! Each winner gets two tickets to a fantastic show at Radical Raptors (The Heath), just outside Plett.

The winners are:

11 – 18 years Category
Caitlin Eales (14 years old)

6 – 11 years Category
Ella Mbovu (11 years old)


Their poems and some of my other favourites are below {I have included them exactly as they were submitted to me}:

Giants of the Deep – Caitlin Eales

Speaking the tongue of the ocean,
a hundred shades of blue,
With their voices, melodic as a violin,
Diving into the oceans darkest hue

Raising their tails to greet the sun,
The breath of dawn gently grazing their skin, as the beams of light they like to draw in,
Let the ocean floor whisper, “let the day begin.”

Gliding side by side,
as the ocean comes to life,
The echo of the gulls runs far and wide,
as they dive into the tide

The call of the sea runs deep,
as the giants come to meet.


Untilted – Ella Mbovu

It’s 7:30 and I’m woken up by the sound of roaster, birds chirping and young mother sweeping around her dusty yard
The peace within that’s overflowing
Seeing clearly there’s unique beauty in everything
And I am reminded by such that I am an African but not just any African , I am proudly South African

I am a South African born
We’re a nation that stands together through it all
From North to South, east to west
We’ll give nothing but our best

The beauty within our land
To see God has planned
From sunrise to sunset
This beauty we all met

Together we’ll braai
Together we’ll cry
Together we’ll strive to keep the rainbow nation that our legendary leader Tata worked hard for

Together we’ll braai
Together we’ll cry
Together we’ll strive
To keep this nation alive

MY South Africa, Our South Africa.


Untitled – Nikita (8)

Look there’s a cheetah he is speedy as can be
no one can catch him can’t you see.
Look at that puff adder, short and fat
I better run away he is poisonous,
I’d much rather be facing a bat!
Speaking of bats I think they’re amazing
I love when they fly and their wings go zing zing!
Animals big, animals small
I really do love them all!

Untitled – Demi (9)

Look at the zebra he can blend in grass and can doge a cheetah
He is as awesome as can be
his stripes can hipnatoze you can’t you see
After a while you will start to feel dizzy
I think my mind is in a bit of a tizzy
Look here comes one now
Oh no he is making the wrong sound
Meow meow

🦁Roar Roar
Here comes a lion look at his paw
It’s as big as my face
I’m definitely going loose in a race
Look at the lions majestic mane
Now l can clearly see why he is so vain

❤️I Love South Africa and all it’s wild life
Please look after them and cause them no strife❤️


Ruby holding a spotted eagle owl at Radical Raptors
The poet herself – Ruby with a spotted eagle owl at Radical Raptors <3

Untitled – Ruby (9)

Some have horns.
Some have spots.
Some have lots of polka dots.
Some may Grr.
Others have fur.
Some are slow.
some creep very low.
The animals of South Africa.
I have not seen them all.
They’re the best in the world.

Untitled – Nadia (12)

South Africa, my beautiful country.
South Africa, my mother land.
Oh, how clean and how beautiful you are
how perfect and how simple you are,
You have many languages and cultures
You have many people that loves you

Oh, my South Africa,
you have perfect beaches,
animal, and mountains that makes
people from other countries to come
and see your beauty and your perfectness.

Oh, South Africa you can still
stand after the storms and the
fire in Western Cape, You are my
hero South Africa

God loves you and so do I,
my mother land, I will go to other
countries and I will say “I have
a hero called South Africa”

It was a really tough decision, I’m so impressed by our budding writers. Thanks again for all of your efforts.

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